
QTS has all the necessary resources to deal with any kind of project in the field of oral or written translation. We can call on a fully professional multilingual team comprising translators and revisers working into their mother tongue in all languages and disciplines, each one specializing in activity areas.


QTS has the necessary tools to overcome linguistic barriers and help companies like yours get a foothold in new markets and expand their international options. QTS remains constantly up to date with frequent renewals of technology to offer the leading-edge solutions available on the market, refreshing the glossaries and terminological databases of each client to provide the highest quality at all times.

Competitive pricing

We can offer you very competitive rates as we have fully qualified personnel available for working in a multitude of applications: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, QuarkXpress, Frame-Maker, PageMaker, as well as PDF files,always in native format. We apply no surcharge for project management yet we always strive to select the most appropriate translator for each job, without charging you for the extra service.


We are professional


Quality Translation Services is a service company offering all kinds of linguistic solutions in the field of written and oral translation. Our goal is to help you make progress in the world of international business by offering high-quality solutions.

Through our services, you will be able to overcome the linguistic barriers and open up new markets and internationalize your business, so that you can buy, sell and do business anywhere in any country.

We are a large team of translation professionals at your company’s disposal. We offer you a specialized, personalized and professional service.


Please contact us for anything you may need: